Deccan Stars (Shahlibanda) beat Sufis Champions (Banjara Hills Rd No 10)
Deccan Stars CC smash Sufi`s Champion CC by 8 Wickets, batting first Sufi`s Champion Cc could only manage to score 104 in 20 overs. Sufi`s Champion Cricket Club (Banajra Hill Rd 10) Altaaf (The Lion Heart ) gives a close look at the ball, Its Obvious he finds the ball not up to the expected quality Nadeem gives tips to his team mates, on how to beat the heat , pants up !! Sufi`s Lost their first wicket , DS team cheering Mohammed Pasha sharing a pleasant moment with the DS captain Altaaf (The Lion Heart) Sufi`s Champion CC , Batsman ready to face the next ball Mujju Bhai, Askfor soem feild adjustments, Excellent bowling perfromance today Mohammed Pasha, lots of happiness and energy he shrugs of heat and keeps up smile on his face under hot sun. Muju Bhai donates his vehicle on the field gone !! Fahad back on field after 2 years gap , that great welcome come ...